What is Beautiful?

Sometimes it’s a struggle to find and approve which books I will review, and the determining factors are becoming more and more refined. When the book, “What is Beautiful?”, was pitched to me, I couldn’t help but feel a pull to discover – perhaps for the first time – what beautiful really is. The search has been ongoing since the Fall for both men and women: Adam and Eve were ashamed of their nakedness and sought to cover themselves. Obviously, I decided to take a look at the book.

After reading and rereading the seemingly unassuming book, I found the message profound and simplistic all at once. I felt as though I was having an “Oh, duh!” moment. Having expressed my own lame explanations of what it means to be beautiful to my own daughters, I was eager to share this with them. After reading it to my 8yo daughter and 9yo niece, I was excited when the sparks of understanding lit up their eyes.

The author, Abbie Sprünger, did a marvelous job of weaving a rhythmical explanation of how beauty does not fit in a box and has nothing to do with a mirror. Beauty is not always tidy, and never the same. While many of us say that beauty is uniquely fitted to each person, we don’t always believe it. This book drives it home in such a way that makes me a bit giddy. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention God. It’s impossible to understand what beauty really is without having a glimpse of how our Creator sees us.

For parents of both girls and boys, young and old, this book has truths that run deep to the heart of our desire to be accepted, loved, and valued. I highly recommend this book; I’m not sure I can say that enough. This would be a perfect book to give as a gift at any time of year, and I can’t think of a better time than now. The gift of self-worth is one that will continue being a blessing for generations to come, so order your copy today!

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