The Oh Bless It! “Storey”

by Abigail Rose
Once upon a time, in an era not our own, a shop owner was lovingly called a shopkeeper. While toiling over the building of this bric-a-brac haven, I fretted over titles, verbiage, and many things I didn’t even know were a consideration (welcome, newby, to the world of web design!). This fretting ceased when I discovered that a shopkeeper is also referred to as a Storey. That name just happens to run in the family. While I’m not officially a Storey by legal name or official trade, the name Storey holds a special place in my heart – my late grandmother, Gracie, was a Storey.

As for me, I answer to many names: Alisha, Mom, Mom-mom-mom-mom-mom, DIL (daughter-in-law), Lee, and Bru (just to name a few – trust me, there are others!). I lived in Alaska for over ten years before realizing just how much I missed the sunshine and heat, so we made our way to the sunny coast of North Carolina. We’re proud parents of 5 wonderful kiddos – one of them has already left the nest, happily married, and blessing us with our first grandchild! While my husband builds custom homes and dabbles in electrical, together we love to share about God’s grace and goodness while also laughing at my writing attempts.

Professionally, I’ve done waitressing, banking, dentistry, and more in-between, but writing is my passion. My first children’s book, Caterpillar in a Cornfield, was published in 2014, and there are more in the pipeline. You’ll find from the bits and baubles written here that God is in all of it – that’s on purpose. He gave me this life and this gift, so to Him, all the glory! I look forward to sharing laughter and tears… and perhaps some recipes and factoids and helpful tips and ideas… (this is why it’s a bric-a-brac blog).