The Sword Says

Wrapping up the Armor of God series and I feel as though I could have even stretched it out another week. There’s so much to explore, so many depths, and there’s just not enough time or enough ways to express God’s goodness. I hope that this will merely be a stepping stone in your journey. Continue reading The Sword Says

Head in the Game

Week 6 in the Armor of God series – let’s get those helmets firmly in place. When the devil attacks, it’s usually something we see, touch, hear, smell, or even taste – all things that get processed in our mind. How do we use the helmet to protect us? What exactly is the Helmet of Salvation? Or, like the other pieces, perhaps it’s a “who”? Continue reading Head in the Game

The Truth of the Belt

Join me for Week 3 in the Armor of God Series – we’re talking belts today, and I’ll clue you in: they do more than hold your pants up, but only if you have the right kind. Let’s take a look at why the belt mentioned in Ephesians is so vital and why it’s called “The Belt of Truth.” Continue reading The Truth of the Belt