Snatched Up to Heaven for Kids

Most of my book reviews come from marketing groups and publicists, but I do receive some from one of the social media pages I operate to encourage and promote children’s books – more specifically, Christian children’s books. I’ve had the honor of being introduced to some truly talented authors through this page, and today’s review is no exception.

The authors, Jemima and Arvind Paul, have gone to great lengths to present Heaven and Hell in a way that is both Biblical and easy to understand. Aside from a few nuances in the portrayal of God, our Father, this book does a good job of presenting the afterlife from the perspective of two children. This would be a great book for Sunday school classes and VBS (Vacation Bible School) because it speaks to a more traditional church doctrine.

For anyone who has questions about Heaven or Hell and is not sure where to look, this is a great book to start with due to the scriptures conveniently referenced on the corresponding pages. It is also a great resource for parents who have inquisitive children; that applies to most parents and caregivers.

For information on their other book, the original “Snatched Up to Heaven,” please see the press release here.

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