Pumpkin Spice & Skinny Jeans

There’s something about this time of year that I love. Autumn, aka fall, is beautiful and refreshing. Leaves change their colors, the blue of the sky becomes sharper, the air brings a crispness, we turn to baking for added warmth and activity, football fans cheer (and cry), and favorite seasonal drinks reign. My favorite holiday (Thanksgiving) is prominently featured in November, and I graciously allow my loved ones to celebrate my birthday in October (by the way, I’m 30… again). In Alaska, school starts around the third week of August (typically), and that’s when the smell of autumn starts floating on the air. Or rather, that’s when we’re all out the door early enough to smell it.

It’s amazing how God gave us the gift of smell. We’re able to smell rain that hasn’t fallen, snow that’s on the forecast, and crisp coldness taking the reins from the summer heat. The chill in the air gives me urges to bake; mostly because of the heat the oven gives off, but I do love baked goods. Banana bread is a favorite. It’s super versatile in that you can add nuts or chocolate or kale or chocolate or bran or chocolate (did I mention chocolate?). I always have some over-ripe bananas hanging out in the freezer for just such an occasion, so when the chill creeps in, I’m able to shoo it out. Here’s a link to my go-to banana bread recipe. For all you football fans out there, here’s a link to a mouthwatering recipe for jalapeno poppers. You’re welcome.

The Bible tells us in 2 Timothy that we weren’t given a spirit of timidity (fear), but of power and love. (Look it up: 2 Timothy 1:7) I’m pretty sure I also have a bit of a rebel spirit in me. A family member once joked, “I do what I want, when I want!” Well, that’s me. The first day of school carries the first hints of autumn so, naturally, in true rebel form, I throw on my capris, tank top, and flip flops (then I shiver under a blanket on the couch with some hot tea). No, I will not dress like it’s cold outside! Most of us witnessed the pant style go from boot-cut to skinny jeans, and I responded with, “Heck, no!” For me, a onesie stops with sizes offered in months, man-buns are anything but masculine (especially paired with the skinny jeans – or a onesie), and any socks worn with sandals is a no-go. I’m not a fan of fads.

Fads in fashion aren’t a super big deal for me because I wear what I find comfortable regardless of fashion (usually jeans and a comfy shirt). Fads in diets, however, have proven to influence me a little more, though not too directly. Yes, eat healthy, eat in moderation, but my opinion of the fads is that a lot of it (not all) is hogwash. An example of the influence of fad diets: when we invite friends over for dinner or any other meal, I now run through a list: Is dairy ok? Gluten? Eggs? Soy? Carbs? What’s Keto? You’re vegan? Kosher? And so the list goes. Instead of getting irritated, I try to accommodate as best I can and then I spend days giving thanks for a healthy family and the provision of good food: dairy-filled, gluten-laden, scrambled, ranch-dipped, twice-baked and loaded. Don’t forget the sugary desserts baking in the oven!

I’m so anti-fad that when Spiced Chai Lattes became a big deal, I claimed to not like them. Did I try one itty-bitty sip before making that claim? Nope! Ironic that I get onto my kids for doing the same thing at dinner time. It wasn’t until my husband (Ken) and I were on a date, having Thai (something new for me), and we ordered a Thai tea to share. Man, oh man, was that ever delicious! In true date fashion, after dinner, Ken and I went to the grocery store. Seriously, that’s what we do. Whether it’s to stretch the date out a little longer or to pick up a few things that are on the list, we go to the grocery store at the end of our dates. After having the Thai tea, we considered the spices we could taste and smell in the tea, and searched the tea section at the store. The closest thing we could find was Spiced Chai.

My name is Alisha (hello, Alisha) and I’m a Chai-Latte-Aholic. I’ve had one every day, for many months now, really since the first sip. I’ve tried many different versions, but apparently I’m a cheap date when it comes to chai lattes. I love the Great Value Chai Latte k-cups. For less than a dollar, I’m able to enjoy a 16 oz mug of spiced, steamy goodness! Grove Square is also another great option for my Chai Latte addiction. Yes, I’m officially on board with the Chai-Latte-Fad. Did you know there’s even Chai Spiced Bread?!?! This is a phenomenal discovery!

Usually, like a said earlier, banana bread is my go-to for baking at this time of year, now I have this new chai bread recipe to try, but I’ve also been known to make pumpkin bread. There’s another fad: The Pumpkin Fad. I understand the bread and love the bread (boy, do I love the bread!). I can even get behind having a pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving – even though vegetables (coffee doesn’t count when it’s in the form of MOCHA) vegetables should never be served as a dessert – and I hate pumpkin pie. But I can say with certainty that I abhor Pumpkin Spice Lattes (PSLs)… or any drinks with pumpkin as a main flavor.

With all of the fads going around, social medias constantly throwing the latest and greatest trends in our face, it’s no wonder we’re a world suffering an identity crisis! Parents excuse their children’s behavior so they won’t “suffer” the consequences (oh, bless their little hearts), a parent pushing a child into activities instead of adventures, not knowing how to navigate life without a parent doing it or excusing it… The list goes on and on. Budgeting, dating, friendships, respecting elders or anyone different; the cascading consequences show the signs of weakened character and the danger of not having a foundation of identity. Instead of training our kids (Proverbs 22:6, 15, and Proverbs 23:12-14) are we coddling and holding them back from reaching their full potential?

Are we settling for pumpkin spice when we can experience all the spices in a Chai? Okay, maybe that was a stab at the pumpkin-spice-groupies. Sorry. I’m reminded of a movie… yes, I know… we love movies in this house. In “Runaway Bride” starring Julia Roberts (Maggie) and Richard Gere (Ike), Maggie eats her eggs however her current fiancé eats them. She has no “Egg Identity” if you will. In order to be confident in herself, she has to know who she is as an individual. She knows deep down that unless she’s an individual, she can’t enter into union with another. She has to make sure she’s properly yoked. Okay, so that was a terrible attempt at a pun, but the point is the same.

“It was he who gave some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers, to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming.” Ephesians 4:11-14 (NIV)

If we know who we are, no amount of social media, trending news, fad diets, or seasonal drinks will sway us from being individuals and doing what we’re called to. “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:23-25 (NIV)

This post is partly being written in fun because I absolutely hate PSLs and can’t help but roll my eyes (while gagging) when the memes start flying at this time of year. The other part is serious: we need to be bold in our individuality. God didn’t create us from a cookie cutter or mold. God took dust from the ground and formed man. He did a “free-form”, if you will, for Adam and took His own breath (God’s breath!) and breathed it into Adam, giving him life (Genesis 2:7). He didn’t do the same for Eve. No, he took a part of Adam (a rib) and made Eve from it (Genesis 2:21-22). In all of creation, there are no two people exactly alike (even identical twins are not exactly identical) and no two people who have the same likes, desires, style, or taste in lattes.

We’re called in the same manner we were created: as individuals who have been given the breath of Life (Bless it, that gives me chills!). I may hate PSLs, but I love the people who easily choke it down – I mean drink it. My husband hates coffee, but he loves me, and there are occasions he even makes my morning coffee. If you want to voice your distaste for PSLs, I’m here to listen. If you want to try convincing me to give it another chance, don’t waste thy breath. Get to know who you are and I pray that you’ll never lose sight of Whose you are. Now, go enjoy your seasonal latte of choice – or hot chocolate, or hot tea, or apple cider, or steamed milk – you get the idea.

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