I can count on one hand how many books have come across my desk that made me say, “This is why I started doing book reviews.” The author of this book, Sandy Moons, has taken a real-life encounter and put together it’s truths to share with others. By sharing with others, she’s provided an easy way for children to overcome anxiety and that dreaded F-word – fear.
Harry Finds His Superpower! walks the reader through experiencing negative emotions, recognizing them for what they are, and ways to overcome in a super hero way. But why stop there? Mrs. Moons takes it a step further and makes the comparison of the fruits of the Spirit being super powers. Yes! This book helps children learn the fruits of the Spirit!
In a day and age of anxiety being more prevalent than peace, coupled with the loss and confusion of our identity, this book is perfectly timed to be a resource to overcome any fear that presents itself while teaching that our identity is found in Christ and not our emotions. While communicating with Mrs. Moons, I couldn’t help share that this would be a fantastic VBS theme with this book at its center.
I highly recommend this book for children 4 to 9 years old. The door for discussion opportunities with our children is blown wide open with reading this book aloud. Whether you have children or grandchildren, or you simply know someone who does, it doesn’t matter. I urge you to order your copy today – or order a copy or two for your church.
THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for a great review of HARRY!!! God Bless you!!
Sandy, it was my pleasure – I’m so glad that you shared your story with me, not to mention I have a signed copy of this amazing book! God bless!
I gave several copies to the local Catholic elementary school. The children love the book They are allowed to bring them home to share with their parents which is so wonderful. Parents learn how to deal with issues and learn to trust in God while sharing wonderful values with their children.
Your review is so well written and so true. This book will bless
many children and maybe their parents will find strength in the
message too. Sandy Moons lived this experience with her young
student and so skillfully directed him to the spirit and strength of
the Lord. I am so happy to give the Harry book to my Gr.Grand-