He Gave

Tis the season… to appreciate the little things. It might be a thank you spoken to any number of retail workers (bless them!). It might be sparing a few extra minutes to listen to someone who is struggling in their health while you’re standing in the produce department. What about those who faced this holiday season without a loved one for the first time? There just aren’t enough words or hugs to ease that pain. Add in the economic weight that so many are struggling under, and Christmas may actually feel like a day that’s best to skip over.

Photo by DiEtte Henderson on Unsplash

Most of us know that Christmas is not about stockings or presents or the most over-the-top obnoxious light display on the street. It’s not even about getting together with family (that is one of my favorite parts). Christmas is all about the gift of Jesus.

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NASB

There are even unbelievers who know – or have heard – this verse. It’s so popular that you might see it on a billboard on the highway. But notice that God loved, so He gave. He didn’t give out of obligation – I created them, so I have tothey’re family, so I have tothey’ve worshipped me a little, so I’ll do something nice for them... I have to find them a gift because they have to have something to open like the others… But God loved, so He gave.

Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash

He gave because He wanted to. He gave even though we have nothing that can return the favor. He gave even though there are many who will never choose to accept His gift. God loved, so He gave.

“For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him.” John 3:17 NASB

God loved, so He gave… Not to judge, but to save. This got me thinking: save me from what? How many of us have a picture of God ready with a switch for when we step out of line (because we all step out of line)? Are any of you picturing an old Zeus-type with a lightning bolt? What are we being saved from? Do we step out of line and get struck with sickness or disease? Is God posed and ready to smite us?

Photo by Tijana Drndarski on Unsplash

There are a lot of Christians who believe that God is saving us from Him. That may sound a bit odd but think about it. God sent Jesus to save us, but there are a lot of people who believe that God is the One who will eventually destroy them if they reject Him. We often attribute the bad things that happen to us as something God gave us – sickness, disease, hardships, and even death. Why would we even think that God is giving us those things in light of John 3:16-17?

God loved, so He gave. Not to judge, but to save. What did He give?

It’s as though God knew we might assume that there were strings attached to His gift, so He made it a point to reassure us that He is for us, not against us (Romans 8:31). God will never punish you for something that He already forgave – and He forgave it all on the cross.

He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world. I John 2:2 NLT

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

I don’t mean to pick on him, but we all know that Hitler was a bad guy. He was horrible! But Hitler will not be judged for the unimaginable atrocities he committed. He will be judged based on his acceptance or rejection of the Son that God gave so that we could be saved. God loved Hitler, so He gave.

You might think that you’re not even close to being on the same level of evil as Hitler, but sin is sin. No matter how good you think you are, you still require a Savior (Romans 3:23) – and so did Hitler. Eve took a single bite of fruit and required a Savior – even our pride thinking that we’re better has us needing a Savior. I’ve had unkind thoughts towards others, I’ve lost my patience, I’ve spoken harshly, I’ve lied, I had a child outside of marriage, I was a drunk… My life required a Savior!

Photo by DiEtte Henderson on Unsplash

You might be reading this the day after Christmas… or maybe you’ll read it on a random day of the year – leave a comment if you’re reading this in the middle of the summer. Whether you’re still on a Christmas-spirit wave or not, God’s gift is valid every single day of your life. God loved, so He gave… to save you.

Is your life a reflection of accepting God’s free gift of salvation (Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9)? If I were to guess based on his life, I wouldn’t expect to see Hitler in Heaven. But wouldn’t it be an awesome testament to God’s goodness if he decided to accept God’s gift? No matter how terrible you think you are, you’re never too far gone for God’s redeeming power of love.

Photo by Lore Schodts on Unsplash

God’s gift was no little thing. It was so much more than a polite, thoughtful courtesy. Interesting that I’m posting about God’s love and goodness the week after I write that Violence is the Answer. I pray that you’ll take time to not just reflect on His goodness and love but focus in on the distance God went to redeem you. He left Heaven because He saw you as valuable.

God loves you, so He gave.

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