Then There’s Jesus
From over-extending myself to fixing my focus, this is more of my journey… the burdening quirks and the naïve optimism… God’s goodness abounds, I promise. Continue reading Then There’s Jesus
A bric-a-brac blog of faith
From over-extending myself to fixing my focus, this is more of my journey… the burdening quirks and the naïve optimism… God’s goodness abounds, I promise. Continue reading Then There’s Jesus
Dedicated to P. L. C. (Uncle Phillip), 07/01/1960-09/05/2020, and to my family.
Either God is good all the time or He’s never good. Forgive my ramblings, dig deeper for truth, and be patient – God can do a lot with grief, too. I’ve also included a link to more on my own journey with grief that includes a broth recipe. Continue reading All the Time
Layer after layer, I’m amazed to find the love of the Savior, the richness of His fragrance and revel in the honor of tasting His goodness. Interesting that I can’t seem to hold the tears back as I cut into onions, and I can’t seem to contain tears of joy when I focus on just how awesome God really is. Continue reading Layers of Love
Vaccinations are a hot topic right now, but I want to talk about some Christianese: how have we inoculated people to the gospel? What does that look like? Does pulpit condemnation send people looking elsewhere or is it the best way to keep them from sinning? Continue reading The Gospel Gift
Ever feel low and unworthy? Ever feel like a failure at… life? Is this a form of denying / disowning God? Let’s delve into this together and discover some more of God’s unmatched goodness. Continue reading Guarantee of Grace