He Came to Her

This is a favorite insight into the heart of this unnamed woman – no condemnation, no tongue-lashing, but an encounter that can only be described as revival-starting goodness. Maybe you’ve always thought you needed to go to God, but the time this unnamed woman spent with Jesus was initiated by Him. He went to her… and He goes to meet you, too. Continue reading He Came to Her

The Unnamed Woman

Once upon a time, there was a woman who had every reason to have trust issues… believe it or not, it’s not me – but it could be. And it could be you. After reading through her story, I kind of want to have her boldness and certainty. It’s difficult to introduce her to you, seeing as how she has no recorded name, but I bet you’ve heard of King David. These two have something in common. Continue reading The Unnamed Woman

Demanding Proof

There are things I’m certain of – cannot be swayed on – that I have no solid proof. Like my faith. I’ve never seen Jesus with my eyes, but I know He’s real. I have no proof of Heaven, but that’s my final destination. I want to spend some time for a while getting real on my musings, my studying, and what I’m finding to be true whether I have proof or not. Continue reading Demanding Proof