Screwdrivers and Tsunamis

God is good in so much that we see and things we have to choose to see. Here’s a bit of a testimony on how God has shown His goodness lately and in the past. I bet someone out there can top what I’m sharing and I would love to hear about it – sharing how God’s goodness has made an impact is always a good idea. Continue reading Screwdrivers and Tsunamis

Packed Potential

I’ve looked at each of my kiddos at different times of their lives and have marveled at the intricacies of their being. While each one of my kiddos are different, one from the next, they all have something in common: potential. What is your potential? Have you taken time to really examine it? Let’s take a look at a few verses that are so often utilized that much of their meanings fall on deaf ears. Continue reading Packed Potential

But With God

Ever felt a bit confused about what is considered impossible or not impossible with God? Defy gravity? Fly? Teleport? I really want to be able to teleport. Are those things what we consider an impossibility? Take a moment for this quick look at Matthew 19:16-26 and enjoy a couple songs. It might help open your eyes to what you haven’t noticed before. Continue reading But With God

Love that Builds

Wrapping up the Inexhaustible Love Series, I didn’t want to just fixate on being the one whom Jesus loves, but also bring up the times that it’s difficult to believe it. Whether through poor communication or just lack of knowledge, God sometimes gets a bad rap – and we don’t see Him as very nice, much less loving. Let’s do some foundational work, pour the footers, and have something solid to build on. Continue reading Love that Builds